Dietitian Consultant Checklist

Monthly Duties: (Skilled Nursing Dietitian, Long Term Acute Care Dietitian)
1. Menu file up to date with 60 and 90 day menus.
2. Review Monthly weights and chart on variances.
3. Chart on any abnormal labs.
4. Chart on monthly Pressure Ulcers, Tube Feedings, Dialysis
5. Conduct monthly in-service with dietary staff, complete agenda and sign-in sheet
6. Obtain resident council minutes and address any concerns
7. Conduct monthly inspection and report findings to QAPI
8. Attend monthly QAPI meeting
9. Review emergency food supplies- rotate and replace items routinely
10. Ensure diet orders match current physician orders for all PO diets
11. Complete quarterly notes based on care plan schedule
12. Update adaptive equipment list- ensure equipment is available.
RD Nutrition Consultants, LLC is a nationwide group of Registered Dietitians who provide professional Consultant Dietitian services . We specialize in providing Dietitian services in a wide variety of healthcare and wellness organizations.